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The Virtual Exhibition "International Education Fair 2021" in Kazakhstan was held on March 25th - April 3rd, 2021. This largest Central Asia annual education exhibition was funded by the Bolashaq Development Fund and attended by over 300 universities from 50 countries around the world. UNY's participation in the IEF 2021 exhibition was facilitated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Indonesian Embassy in Nur Sultan along with 13 other Indonesian universities.

This event was trusted in the hand of the International Office (KLI) and involved the faculty's international office (UUIK) to prepare exhibition materials and the attendance form through zoom meetings at 14.00 to 17.00 WIB. Exhibition materials which are prepared and uploaded on the IEF website consisting of UNY profile videos presented in English, testimonials, welcoming speeches from the Head of KLI, UNY promotional presentations, scholarship leaflets and photos of international student activities at UNY. Exhibition materials prepared by the faculty / study program include profile video of study programs offered by UNY, PowerPoint slide consisting of the profile of faculties and study programs, study program leaflets and promotional booklets as well as website and social media information. All materials were prepared digitally in English.

During the participation of IEF 2021, the IEF committee provides 1 (one) buddy to help translate into Kazakh if there are any participants / visitors who are not fluent in speaking English. There are 32 visitors inside the IEF UNY zoom meeting room, most of the visitors are high school students who are interested in continuing their  undergraduate study at UNY and some are undergraduate/bachelor students who are looking for information about postgraduate programs and scholarships. The enthusiasm of prospective students towards YSU was very high, and the most sought-after information was related with the  living cost and scholarships offered by both UNY (YSU-Diss Scholarship) and the Indonesian government (KNB Scholarship). YSU also had the honor of being invited as a speaker in Q&A session with prospective master and doctoral students from Kazakhstan who were interested in further studies at UNY which was facilitated by the Indonesian Embassy in Nur Sultan. There are about 22 participants of this activity who are very enthusiastic about continuing their studies at UNY and the majority have received college scholarships (bachelor or master degree) from the Indonesian government (for example Darmasiswa).

Through this event, UNY is expected to increase the number of international students for degree and non-degree programs (summer courses, credit transfers, and student exchanges) which can increase the income generating at YSU. Moreover, from participating in this event, UNY can broaden the education collaboration with other partners within the Central Asia region in particular and world universities in general.(Tiwi, translated by Sausan)