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The YSU team which consists of Rizal Justian Setiawan (Mechanical Engineering), Ageng Widi Atmoko (Electrical Engineering Education), Ein Juliani (English Language and Literature), Dea Sakinah Hulfa (Physics) and Enny Dwi Cahyanti (Chemistry) secured the third place and won a bronze medal in the event of Johor International Invention, Innovation and Design (IIID Johor) Competition 2017 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia held from 8-9 March 2017 in Amansari Residence Resort, Johor Bahru.

The event was attended by more than 100 inventors from several countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Singapore, Cambodia, Australia, South Korea and other countries in which the participants were divided into several areas of categories, namely; Social Science, the category of Science and Technology and Local and International Primary and Secondary school. The event was attended by the students, professors, entrepreneurs and high school students.

YSU team joined in the category of science and technology with a work entitled ANCLIND: colour detection tools for sufferers of colour blindness and visual impairment or colour detection tools to help the visually impaired and people with colour blindness. Rizal told us that this class was a class that was quite challenging because the rivals came from the faculty members who are experts in their field. "In fact, our team is one of the youngest teams among the other contestants," recalled Rizal.

Rizal added that this competition’s concept was presentation and exhibition, where all participants were given the facility in the form of a booth for the title product. "Tools that must be provided in this arena were posters, articles, product innovation, and other supporting tools such as photographs of the tools and supporting certificates," he added.

"The judging was done by a presentation and question-and-answer in English with two judges regarding the description of the work, the cost of production, implementation, and potential patents," he continued.

When asked about the process of developing this tool, Rizal and the team claimed that they had problems related to tools customization, testing, preparation and time management among group members. "But it is a challenge that seemed to be faced and borne together for the success of the team carry the name of our beloved Indonesia," said Rizal.

Rizal and the team hoped that more teams from YSU will join international arena and carry the name of Indonesia in the international arena. (rizal / PR FT UNY)