Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn Extract Face Mist to Prevent Acne

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UNY students processed herbal plants into a face mist for acne-prone skin that is also useful for moisturizing and brightening facial skin. The face mist is made from belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn) fruit extract mixed with aloe vera and honey. The students are Shofi Alifah Nur Aini of Economics Education, Aprilia Nur Mia Saputri of Accounting, Ilham Alfrizal Akbar of Physics, Faradita of Chemistry and Defid Setiawan of Automotive Engineering Education.

According to Shofi Alifah Nur Aini, the acne problem is familiar to teenagers and adults. "Acne appears due to the presence of Propionibacterium Acne bacteria on the facial skin," she said on Monday (31/7). The bacteria will enter the skin pores clogged with dust and cause acne. Before these bacteria develop more and more on the facial skin, prevention and treatment of the facial area, especially around acne, should be done. Prevention and treatment of acne can be done by using traditional skin care products made from natural ingredients, one of which is Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn which contains many tannins, saponins, sulfur glycosides, formic acid, peroxides, flavonoids, and terpenoids.

Aprilia Nur Mia Saputri added that Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn is the main ingredient of their face mist. "We chose face mist because it is easy to carry, simple but has many benefits," said Mia. The utilization of Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn so far is only a complementary addition to dishes, even though it has the potential to be processed into a face mist product. Face mist from Averrhoa Bilimbi Linnextract has many useful ingredients, especially as a natural antioxidant that is practical and economical with a 3 in 1 formula that treats acne brightens, and moisturizes. In addition, Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn trees are widely available everywhere, so it is easy to get them.

Faradita explained that the ingredients needed are Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn extract, aloe vera extract, honey, glycerin, phenoxyethanol, PVP 4%, fragrance and distilled water. "We named this cleanser Belia Mist," said Faradita.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak