Case Method Instruction Workshop to Strengthen Computational Thinking of Students with Disabilities

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) is aware of the importance of providing insight to lecturers on how to handle students with disabilities, so in line with this, the INOBEL UNY team consisting of several lecturers of Special Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology held an activity with the theme "Workshop on Case Method Instruction for Strengthening Computational Thinking of Students with Disabilities" on Thursday, July 3, 2023, at the Porta Hotel.

This activity was attended by representatives of lecturers from each Faculty at UNY and presented prominent speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Paulina Pannen, M.Ls. (Expert Staff for Academic Affairs, Kemristekdikti) with the theme of her presentation 'Case Method Instruction for Strengthening Computational Thinking', and the second presenter is Pujaningsing, Ed.D., (Lecturer of  UNY) with her presentation entitled "Application of Case Method in Learning Students with Special Needs".

In his speech, Dr. Cepi Safrudin Abdul Jabar, M.Pd., Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, said that UNY is very concerned about students with disabilities and wants to realize an inclusive campus. He also hoped that with this workshop, lecturers at UNY could develop strategies to deal with students with disabilities.

The first speaker, Prof. Paulina Pannen, explained that in today's computer or digital era, lecturers must be able to think quickly and automatically in solving problems and create something interesting, such as Fun Games for students with disabilities. This exciting game allows students to participate in learning activities without feeling burdened.

She also added that to train the skills of students with disabilities. They must be given material repeatedly until they remember and get used to it. He conveyed a message to the lecturers present: if there is a problem, it should be focused on the core of the problem so that it is easy to find a solution.
Paulina Pannen added that there are several things that lecturers need to pay attention to in handling students with disabilities, one of which is the Case Study Method, namely Learning to learn, among others. When you have a solution, what new things can be discovered during the solution? What is your contribution to the group? What are the obstacles, and how to overcome them? What are the important things you learned in this process? What would you do if there was an opportunity to do it differently? If the results are not good, how can you improve?" explained Paulina.

In her presentation, the second speaker, Pujaningsih, Ed.D., said that students with disabilities should also be facilitated to be active in class, especially in discussions. "Lecturers can facilitate by providing roles," she said.

Pujaningsih added that learning with an active learning system in the case method implemented by lecturers aims to understand how and why cases can succeed and fail. Still, according to Pujaningsih, the things that need to be prepared by lecturers before starting teaching include understanding student variations and the learning needs of all students, lecturers' ability to listen and practice choosing listening tools and techniques, preparing questioning techniques, and planning to create an environment where all students can take risks.

"Providing several examples can also make it easier for students with disabilities to understand the material. Examples can be displayed visually, with verbal explanations accompanied by videos. Lecturers can also provide examples of various kinds." Pujaningsih concluded. (Author: Khairani Faizah, Editor: Pujaningsih, Tj.lak)

Khairani Faizah
Pujaningsih, Tj.Lak