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Biology Education Department of UNY welcome students of SD Muhammadiyah Sapen, Yogyakarta (1/11/2019). A group of 188 students and several teachers were accepted by the Management of Biology Education Department.

Heru Wasesa, teacher of SD Muhammadiyah Sapen, said that this field trip is set for 5th grade student. . For science lessons at school, it had been given by teachers in schools according to their fields. In theory, maybe they can understand from school lessons. But in practice students need new experiences. Students can learn in a real way so that it is more lasting knowledge for students.

“We hope that we can organize this kind of activity regularly, not only for 5th grader but also for other classes. So that we can share stronger collaboration between UNY and SD Muhammadiyah Sapen,” he said.

Suratsih, M.Sc., Head of the Department of Biology UNY expects students to learn with Animal Physiology material that will be delivered by Dr. Heru Nurcahyo and Human Physiology material by Tutik Rahayu, M. Kes. After the material will be continued around the Biology Laboratory.

"Of course we hope that this kind of activity will continue to similar activities or other activities which are expected to become a kind of routine activity in the form of collaboration, for example, our lecturers' activities in elementary school or vice versa, both for teachers and students who can be followed up with an MoU," he hoped.

After exposure to the material the activity continued to visit several Biology labs. In the Biology Garden the students observe various types of plants and observe the making of compost. In the tissue culture laboratory the students get an explanation of how to culture plants and the media used.While in the Microscopy Lab students are taught how to observe small animals that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Finally the students are invited to the Microbiology Lab. (witono; Tj.Lak)