Partnership on Health Facility Management

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Health service is important to support activities on campus. UNY recognize that a health body is an asset in education implementation. UNY's commitment to supporting the health of academic community is manifested in efforts to establish Health facilities in collaboration with PT Kimia Farma Diagnostika (KFD). Following up on the MoU signed by Rector and the previous leader of KFD, this signing of Cooperation Agreement was carried out by Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs with Main Director of Kimia Farma Diagnostika at the Plataran Hotel Borobudur Magelang, Sunday 29 January 2023.

In that opportunity, also attended the Main Commissioner of Kimia Farma Pharmacy (Soleh Udin Al Ayubi), Commissioner of Kimia Farma Diagnostics (Retno Sumekar), Main Director of Kimia Farma Pharmacy (Nurtjahyo Walujo Wibowo) along with all his staff. The Main Director of KFD delivered in his speech that this collaboration is the real form KFD supporting the health of UNY's academic community. Expect some Health service belongs to KFD can be utilized maximally by UNY's academic community and local communities.

The Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs UNY, Siswantoyo, appreciate and proud to have collaborated with KFD in increasing health service in UNY's Campus. "In the future, various collaborations related to research downstreaming of research products related to health and related matters can be encouraged for Mutual benefit" he said. The collaboration related to advance study through Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) scheme for the leaders as well as the employees of Kimia Farma is very opened because UNY is indeed strong in terms of education. Therefore this opportunity collaboration needs to be responded quickly by all parties.

In the signed cooperation document, contained the development of Health Student Center that has been running in UNY will be developed for more completed Health service with the facilities supported by KFD. The facilities that have been provided by KFD will become UNY's right later after the contract expired or not continued. Besides HSC Development, in the future, the health facilities in Wates Campus and Gunungkidul Campus also the part of the development plan in this cooperation.
