Reflection on 16 years of Museum Pendidikan Indonesia (MPI) and efforts to develop museum services

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Museum Pendidikan Indonesia (MPI) celebrated its 16th anniversary by holding a workshop entitled 'MPI UNY: Past, Present, and Future' in the cinema room. July 8, 2024.

"Museum Pendidikan Indonesia (MPI) is the first educational museum established by a university. MPI was established by UNY leaders in 2008. History records that MPI has a role and contribution to the field of museums in Indonesia. therefore let us increase professionalism in the management of MPI," said UNY Rector, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO.

Dr. Joko Pamungkas as Secretary of MPI, said that in this commemoration, MPI has had a series of activities consisting of a workshop, national seminar, speech competition on museums, and video vlog competition based on local wisdom.

This workshop featured three speakers including the Chief Executive of MPI UNY (2008-2011) Dr. Agus Murdyastomo, M.Hum., Head of MPI UNY (2021-2023) Prof. Hartiti Retnowati, M.Pd., and the current Head of MPI UNY, Prof. Maman Suryaman, M.Pd.

Agus Murdyastomo conveyed the history of the establishment of MPI which began with the visit of UNY leaders to Malaysia and the emergence of museology courses, collection hunting to organizing the iconic Young Dalang Festival.

Hartiti Retnowati explained MPI's journey since revitalization, changing the new logo, adding narratives to creating websites and social media. It was also explained the difficulties when the covid pandemic hit so there needed to be a breakthrough through virtual tours and webinars.

Meanwhile, Maman Suryaman said that MPI UNY is not only a place to store all artifacts of the history of education but also a center for academic activities, research and community education that affects supporting the development of education in Indonesia.

Silmi Surati Sualio
Dedy, Tj.Lak