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A total of 11 students from Yala Rajabhat University of Thailand follow the credit transfer program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMS), Yogyakarta State University (YSU). They will study for one semester starting in February 2016. Those who study comprise of 3 students of Department of Physics Education, 3 students of Department of Chemistry Education, and 5 students of Department of Biology Education. The meeting between students and teachers was held on Friday, (2/12) in the faculty meeting room.

To the students, Vice Dean of FMS, Dr. Suyanta, explained that the credit transfer program is one of the cooperations between the Faculty of Mathematics and Science YSU and the Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University. "During the study, the students could be accompanied by the students of YSU to go more smoothly in the study. Besides, our lecturers teach patiently both in English and Indonesian, "he continued. Suyanta hopes that students from Thailand will adjust to the conditions in YSU, for example, the first class is at 07.30 am until afternoon. Between these two faculties, Suyanta expressed, there has been a cooperative activity which is the student sit-in program. Every year, students of international class at FMS YSU implement congregation with several universities that have cooperation with the YSU, including Yala Rajabhat University, and vice versa.

For the credit transfer program, last year (2015) Yala has begun to send their students to the FMS YSU. As many as 6 FMS students will depart to follow the credit transfer program to Yala Rajabhat University and attend the classes there from February to June 2016. In addition, between the two faculties also there has been established cooperation in the form of international seminars, research, and international publications. (Witono)