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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta earned the trust of Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) from Banyumas, Cilacap, Purbalingga, Kebumen, Banjarnegara, and Rembang Districts to host Computer Assisted Test (CAT) for the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) for prospective civil servants in the six districts. According to Setyo Budi Takarina as the Head Bureau of Academic, Students Affairs and Cooperation said that UNY test location will be attended by BKD, Inspectorate and representative of Ministry of Communication and Informatics as the exam supervisor. “In addition of providing test places, UNY also includes preparing various things, while the Inspectorate and the Ministry of Communication and Information as the exam supervisor," Setyo Budi Takarina said. According to him there were three teams in this activity, namely UNY as the place provider, the regional committee consisting of BKD from the six districts and BKN as the CAT organizer. This activity lasted for one month.

Banyumas District got the first turn on the CAT test at UNY on Tuesday (28/1) with 6,659 participants. Wahyu Budi Saptono as Secretary of Banyumas District said the formation of Civil Servant Canditate (CPNS) in Banyumas Regency would compete for 377 positions. "The Banyumas District Government expressed its gratitude to UNY for facilitating the implementation of this test," Wahyu Budi Saptono said. The Secretary also appreciated the intention and interest to serve as civil servants in Banyumas Regency and advised participants to meet all the test requirements, discipline and concentration. Hopefully, all examinees can show their best performance because it is very transparent and there is no KKN, because the results can be seen after participants take the test.

The Computer Assisted Test is centered at UNY UPT TIK. There are 300 unit of computers. The total number of Computer Assisted Test in UNY is 42,280 from six districts. In addition to Banyumas District, Cilacap District is scheduled to run Computer Assisted Test from 1 to 10 February for 13. 061 participants. From 10 to 15 February, there are 6,723 participants for Banjarnegara District test. Araound 5,765 participant who applied for position at Rembang District will have the test from 23 to 26 February. In addition to the six districts, UNY was also entrusted with the Ministry of Education and Culture as the location point for its CPNS test. (Dedy; Tj.Lak)