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Each academic year will have  the Introduction of Campus Life for New Students Program or PKKMB for UNY new students. The soft skills program hopefully will help the freshmen to enter university life.  They will also have general lecture that will give the hint on how to succeed in digital era and the importance of time management that can be quite different compared with high school life.

Sutrisna Wibawa-UNY Rector- explained that the learning approach of adults aged 18-23 years is different. "It will be more in student oriented or learner oriented so that the learner as the subject" said Sutrisna Wibawa "The task of the lecturer is more directing and encouraging". Students must learn independently through various means provided by UNY.

The Rector informed that there are 25,135 potential students participating in National Selection or SNMPTN.  UNY has accepted only 1,515 freshmen student. Therefore new students must be grateful and proud.

Sumaryanto -UNY Vice Rector III- explained that the soft skill program is not only held on university level. New students will also get the soft skills activities with speakers from UNY leaders at the faculty, department and study program levels.

The soft skills development of UNY students is carried out in the learning process and extra-curricular process. This soft skill coaching is needed to ensure students skills to interact with others. One of the extra-curricular that will boost  student's soft skill can be gained through student organization activities.

The material presented in soft skills coaching includes time management, ethics of student behavior and the development of student character based on Indonesian local culture. One of the participants, Ika Retno Wulandari from the psychology study program, was delighted to be accepted as a new student of UNY through the SNMPTN. The alumni of SMAN 1 Banguntapan Bantul hoped that the soft skill training could make her more aware of student life and learn about leadership. (Dedy))