UNY inaugurated 14 new professors

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a Professor inauguration ceremony on Saturday, August 26, 2023, at the Auditorium UNY. The 14 professors who were inaugurated today came from 6 faculties, namely the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Language Arts and Culture, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social, Legal and Political Sciences, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences , and Faculty of Engineering.

This time, The inauguration of professors looked special because the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X, also a member of the UNY Board of Trustees, was present with Gusti Kanjeng Hayu. In addition, several other special guests were also present, namely Didik Wardaya, M.Pd., (Head of the DIY Dikpora Office), Hardo Kiswoyo (Sleman Regional Secretary), Arif Setiawan (WAKA DPRD Sleman) and Dr. Timbul Raharjo (Rector of ISI Yogyakarta).

Professors who were inaugurated this time were from the Faculty of Education and Psychology are Prof. Dr. Entoh Tohani, M.Pd. (Professor in the Field of Nonformal Education Program Development), Prof. Dr. Farida Agus Setiawati, M.Si., Psychologist (Professor in Psychometrics), Prof. Dr. Lia Yuliana, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Professor in Educational Leadership) and Prof. Dr. Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Professor in Elementary School Mathematics Education). Meanwhile, from the Faculty of Language, Arts and Culture, Prof. Dr. Kuswarsantyo, M. Hum. was inaugurated as a Professor in the Field of Dance Studies.

The Professor from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyanto, M. Ed. (Professor in Biology Education). From the Faculty of Social, Legal, and Political Sciences are Prof. Dr. Eny Kusdarini, S.H., M. Hum. (Professor in the Field of Law of Civic and Legal Education), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nursa'ban, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Professor in the Field of Geography Learning Evaluation), Prof. Dr. Drs. Saliman, M.Pd. (Professor in the Field of Social Science Education Learning) and Prof. Dr. Suhadi Purwantara, M.Si. (Professor in the Field of Physical Geography).

Professors from the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences are Prof. Dr. Guntur, M.Pd. (Professor in the Science of Physical Education Learning Evaluation) and Prof. Caly Setiawan, M.S., Ph.D. (Professor in the Science of Sports Pedagogy). Meanwhile, from the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Valentinus Lilik Hariyanto, M.Pd. (Professor in the Field of Stone and Concrete Work Practices) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Widodo, S.T., M.T., ASEAN Eng., IPM (Professor in the Field of Concrete Technology) was inaugurated.

The inaugural ceremony also featured "Beksan Ajisaka, " the first "beksan kakung" or male dance created by Sultan HB X since he took the throne. Sultan HB X inspired this dance as the essence of the meaning behind the Javanese script, full of noble teachings. This dance can be interpreted as representing a leader who carries out a connection with God and connection with people and believes that the world and its contents were created not arbitrarily because they have a purpose. This dance also reminds us that humans have limitations that can get sick and die. As humans, we can read and see natural signs by believing, looking for, and facing the reality given by God.

In his speech, UNY Rector Prof. Sumaryanto said that the Professor's inauguration is one of the traditions to give appreciation and respect to lecturers who have struggled to get the highest academic position. In addition, this inauguration ceremony is also an academic forum for professors to express ideas and the latest information related to their scientific/expertise fields.

He added that along with UNY's status as a Legal Entity State University, it is encouraged to become a World Class University, one of which is supported by quality Human Resources. UNY encourages lecturers to continue improving themselves through functional and rank promotion, either to Professor or Head Lecturer. We are implementing programs such as Acceleration Assistance for Professors and Acceleration of Head Lecturer promotion from Expert Assistant and Lecturer. In addition, UNY also allocates a budget for various tridarma activities to accelerate the development of quality human resources, such as Research and community service for the Acceleration of Professors, as well as encouraging lecturers and Education Personnel (Tendik) to continue their studies to the Doctoral level. Professor Sumaryanto added that currently, there are 151 professors, and soon, if there are no obstacles, UNY will again add five professors who, according to the plan, will be inaugurated on Saturday, December 30, 2023.

"On behalf of the leadership and the big family of UNY, once again we congratulate and wish success to the Professors of Universitas NegeriYogyakarta  who were inaugurated today. ," concluded Professor Sumaryanto.

Khairani Faizah
Sudaryono, Tj.Lak