Preserving the Culture and Values of Local Wisdom through the Lancaran of Faculty of Languages and Arts UNY

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In karawitan, lancaran is one type of gendhing, as are the kinds of ladrang, ketawang and so on. In general, in practicing karawitan, the lancaran is taught relatively early. Lancaran UNY is part of gendhing laras pelog pathet enem. The idea to develop lancaran was initiated by Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti and Prof. Dr. Endang Nurhayati. In 2018 this idea was then realized by Sutrisno, M.Sn to become lancaran of the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS). Lancaran was created to inspire and spread the values of local cultural wisdom.

According to Sutrisno, with various majors and study programs, both undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs, Faculty of Language and Arts is a room for greeting each other academically and non-academicly to unite creativity, taste, and intention. "This unification is intended so that creative and innovative scientific development through creation, study, research, publication of copyright and patent acquisition in the fields of language, literature, art, and learning continues to thrive," said Sutrisno on Saturday, 18 June 2022.This point is expressed through musical art in the form of gending in a lancaran structure that contains the value of persistence and describes the spirit that is presented through gamelan notations. The Lancaran results from feeling and intention as a medium of greeting convincingly and confidently to achieve goals and capital of enthusiasm to continue developing and growing.
