UTM Students and YSU Students Collaborate in Community Service

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Sunday, 08 November 2015, 13 students and 2 supervising lecturers of UTM (University Teknologi Malaysia/ University of Technology Malaysia) visited YSU and were welcomed by representatives of the Office of International Affairs and Partnerships and LPPM. The visit is aimed at making cooperation in student community service.

The meeting was conducted in LPPM meeting room, YSU. Attending the agenda were Prof. Dr. Anik Ghufron, M.Pd. as the Head of LPPM YSU, Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si. as the Chief of YSU Community Service, Nur Rohmah Muktiani, S.Pd.,M.Pd. as the Secretary of YSU Community Service, and Mutaqin, Drs., M.Pd.,M.T as Field Supervising Lecturer. Meanwhile, as the UTM representatives were 13 students of UTM majoring Life Skills Education and two supervising faculties, namely Syarin and Mahyudin.

The Community Service was held for 4 days in Banguntapan. Prof. Dr. Anik Ghufron, as Chairman of the LPPM UNY explained he welcomed such an event because the community service collaboration between YSU and other foreign university like this was firstly implemented. He hopes this activity remains sustainable and the period can be extended.

Syarin as the representative from UTM delivered his speech in the Opening of this collaboration. He is pleased with the agenda and shows his gratefulness towards YSU as UTM students have been allowed to attend Community Service Collaborations in YSU (Yogyakarta). He voiced his hope that students collaborating in this joint-community service could gain new knowledge and experience useful for their life when getting back to Malaysia .

Siti Hafizah Binti Mohd Isa, one of participants of this program, explained that she and her partners were glad of joining this activity because she could learn a lot. Moreover, she identified a number of differences between student community service in Indonesia and in Malaysia. In Indonesia, cooperation between team members are good and the activities conducted are much more attractive, such as the granting of house numbers, bimbel (tutoring for elementary school children), teaching at the children's Quran education, welcoming residents, and many other activities. (Hendrik)