Gender Equality

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta’s Conserves Culture through the Dalang Cilik Festival

Kunta Wijaya started holding the gunungan (Mountain shaped puppet) as a sign of the start of the wayang ( shadow puppet) performance entitled "Kangsa Lena". The young dalang (puppeteer) from Klaten has loved wayang since three years old. Kunta received guidance to learn to perform at the "Omah Wayang" studio led by Kristiaji. The performance of Kunta and several other young puppeteers enlivened the 2022 Festival Dalang Cilik (Young Puppeteers Festival) organized by the Faculty of Language and Arts (FLA) of UNY, which took place from 15-19 May 2022.

The story of Sukamdi, a laborer whose two daughters study for free at UNY

The Sukamdi family is humble. Sukamdi works as a laborer with uncertain income, while his wife, Wijirah, is a housewife. Sukamdi has two daughters. Sukamdi's older daughter is Mutiara Pesona Bil Jannah, studying at the Pancasila and Civic Education study program at the Faculty of Social Sciences batch 2019. Meanwhile, the younger daughter, Widya Happy Hakiki, is also studying in the same study program batch 2021. What's interesting about this family is that Sukamdi's two daughters have succeeded to study at UNY for free.


One of the cloth Dyeing techniques is shibori. This technique originated in Japan. Fabric coloring using the shibori technique produces patterns similar to batik, especially the jumputan batik motif. This similarity has prompted the  Shibori Cloth Making Training and Competition. Each Faculty and Institution sent two participants to take part in this training and competition. The total participants this time were 22 members of the UNY DPW.