Sendangsari Village in Pengasih, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, recently witnessed the initiation of the "1,000 Telang Plant Movement," spearheaded by a Community Service team from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). Led by Prof. Dr. Kuswarsantyo, M.Hum of the Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture, the team also included Dr. Asri Widowati (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Dr. Ir. Muhkamad Wakid (Faculty of Engineering), and Heni Winahyuningsih, M.Hum from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI).
The movement engaged not only the team but also 20 members of the local Women Farmers Group (KWT), committed to promoting environmental sustainability and community empowerment. Telang (Clitoria ternatea) plants were selected not only for their aesthetic and ecological value but also for their potential economic benefits to the community.
Suhardi, the Head of Sendangsari Village, expressed gratitude to the UNY PkM team for their support in establishing telang cultivation as a hallmark of Sendangsari Village. “We hope this initiative brings lasting benefits to our community,” he remarked.
Dr. Muhkamad Wakid emphasized the program’s role in addressing supply chain challenges for the telang flower industry. “This effort aims to enhance the availability of raw materials, ensuring a steady supply for processed products derived from butterfly pea flowers,” he explained.
Dr. Asri Widowati highlighted the significance of raising public awareness about the versatile uses of butterfly pea plants, both as medicinal herbs and family food sources. She noted their potential for health benefits and applications in skincare products.
“This planting initiative is not only expected to yield ecological benefits but also to provide training and knowledge to the community on cultivating and utilizing herbal plants. By involving the community actively, we hope this movement inspires other regions to undertake similar actions,” she concluded.