UNY Shares Experiences with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Providing Services for Students with Disabilities

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Since 1964, UNY has facilitated prospective students with disabilities during admission (SIPENMARU). UNY has graduated many students with disabilities in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and has been accepted as a civil servant. UNY has a special education department that studies special education. In addition, a special education study is inherent in the Center for Elementary Education Studies at the Research Institute (1990-2000), where activities are in collaboration with the DIY Regional Government and a disability study centre under LPPM until 2018. Dr. Ishartiwi said this from the Special Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Psychology, who is also the Head of the UNY Disability Center in sharing knowledge with the Sharia Faculty of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang at the UNY Rectorate. According to Ishartiwi, UNY still develops more special regulations on disability services. All directorates and service units must translate their practical implementation for disability services. Faculties and departments must implement this in all service units for disability facilitation.

“We also encourage faculties to develop internal policies that suit their scientific characteristic. To make things work, we need human resources to give service that meets Disability Service Quality Standards,” said Ishartiwi.

Lecturer in Special Education Study Program and Secretary of the UNY Disability Center, Dr. dr. Atien Nur Chamidah explained that UNY has 32 students with disabilities from various types of disabilities spread across multiple faculties and study programs.

"There are several UNY alumni who excel in various fields," said Atien. Among them, Muhammad Baihaqi, with visual impairments who graduated from the Bachelor of Mathematics Education Study Program, worked as a mathematics teacher at Al-Irsyad Middle School and High School, Pekalongan City. Gustian Hafidh Mahendra is a deaf student who graduated from the FEB UNY Bachelor of Accounting Study Program with various achievements. Safrina Rovasita, an alumnus with cerebral palsy, who completed her undergraduate studies at the FIPP Special Education Study Program, UNY, works as a teacher at SLB N 1 Bantul, and has completed her Master's degree.

The delegation of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang was led by the Head of the Research Team Jundiani, M.Hum accompanied by members Sheila Kusuma Wardani Amnesty, MH and Siti Zulaikha, M.Hum. Jundiani, in her remarks, said the purpose of this visit was a step towards opening University services for persons with disabilities, collaboration on disability research and how to open study programs on disability. "What is important is how the first step is to implement the disability law at the university," he said. For this reason, a joint commitment is needed to implement the law on persons with disabilities and prepare an academic paper on integrated services, significantly articles on disability services. It is also necessary to arrange public facilities, especially facilities for disabilities and prepare special lecturers who assist prospective students with disabilities

Yuyun, Tj.Lak