Reduce Inequality

Tackling miscommunication in learning for deaf students through the development of UNY DiSign

Many people think that deafness is less severe than blindness. This opinion is a wrong perception for deaf people. Sign language is one of the languages used by deaf people to communicate. UNY lecturer Dr. Hermanto conveyed this point in a workshop on the development of UNY DiSign on Friday (4/8). He says the deaf community uses sign language due to hearing limitations and accessibility. "Besides that, language development and technology limitations exist," he said.

Case Method Instruction Workshop to Strengthen Computational Thinking of Students with Disabilities

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) is aware of the importance of providing insight to lecturers on how to handle students with disabilities, so in line with this, the INOBEL UNY team consisting of several lecturers of Special Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology held an activity with the theme "Workshop on Case Method Instruction for Strengthening Computational Thinking of Students with Disabilities" on Thursday, July 3, 2023, at the Porta Hotel.

"My Journey" to assist self-service for visually impaired students

Students with visual impairments often experience difficulties performing independent care, namely orientation and mobility, that can be done independently without the need for assistive devices or the help of others. To help blind people facilitate mobility, a group of students from the Special Education program of the Faculty of Education and Psychology UNY designed My Journey. They are Dewi Meiliyan Ningrum, Kenanga Kusuma Murdiyani, Ardian Haryo Suseno and Khairil Mursyidin.

Computer-Based Admission Examination for National Selection Based on Test Year 2023 at UNY Runs Smoothly

As in the previous year, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) hosted the Computer-Based Admission Examination for National Test-Based Selection in 2023.  This exam is a national selection pathway for prospective students who are interested in continuing their education at state universities in Indonesia. UNY provides quite a lot of spare computers to anticipate the possibility of computer problems. In addition, to avoid cheating, UNY takes several steps, namely synchronizing data, preparing security in collaboration with the police, and using metal detectors.

UNY Shares Experiences with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Providing Services for Students with Disabilities

Since 1964, UNY has facilitated prospective students with disabilities during admission (SIPENMARU). UNY has graduated many students with disabilities in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and has been accepted as a civil servant. UNY has a special education department that studies special education. In addition, a special education study is inherent in the Center for Elementary Education Studies at the Research Institute (1990-2000), where activities are in collaboration with the DIY Regional Government and a disability study centre under LPPM until 2018. Dr.