
Improving the Quality of Health through General Check-Ups and Blood Donation

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the population of Yogyakarta has the highest life expectancy in Indonesia, namely 75.08 years in 2021. This achievement is proof that the quality of health in Yogyakarta is quite good. However, that does not mean that efforts to prevent various health problems in elders are not necessary. For example, UNY held a general medical check-up for lecturers aged 60-65 years and staff aged 53-58 on 11 May 2022 at the LPPM building. This activity is a collaboration between UNY and Parahita Diagnostic Laboratory.

Successfully Challenging Limitations to Polish Elementary School Students' Dance Talent

Educating is the calling of the soul. Every educator always encourages students to maximize their potential through the teaching and learning process and directed guidance. In reality, teaching and learning activities in remote areas face obstacles. Rizki Amalia, a student of Dance Education at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta  tried to answer this challenge while participating in the Teaching Campus Program at SDN Puding Besar, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

UNY supports the government's efforts to fill teacher vacancies through the selection teacher professional education Program

General Director of Teachers and Education Personnel (Dirjen GTK) Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia, Dr. Iwan Syahril, Ph.D observed the implementation of the Online Profesional Teacher Program selection at UNY Building. UNY Rector, Prof. Sumaryanto welcomed the visit on Sunday, April 24, 2022.

UNY Becomes the Coordinator of the Academic Selection Test for Teacher Professional Education in the Position 2022

Efforts to improve the quality of education must be sustainable. For this reason, the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia held an Academic Selection Test for Teacher Professional Education in Position. This program selects teachers with a bachelor's degree qualification for the Educator Certificate.

Improving the quality of football coaching through the PSSI License Coach course

UNY supports efforts to improve the quality of football coaching. One of the forms is through the implementation of the “PSSI D License Trainer Course”. This training lasted for three days, with participants around 30 students and alumni of the UNY Sports Coaching Education (PKO) Department.

Advocacy for Nurturing Pancasila Ideology to Prevent Radicalism and Terrorism

Center for the Study of Pancasila Education and Character of Research Institute and Community Service Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(LPPM UNY), in collaboration with the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) and several partner universities today, Wednesday (30/3) held a Group Discussion Forum (FGD) with the theme "Points of Thought About Criteria for Radicalism and Efforts to Overcome It".

Wuling Motors Collaborates With UNY

Wuling Motors collaborates with Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) in education, research, community service, and resource and industrial development. To officially mark this collaboration, Maulana Hakim as Aftersales Director Wuling and Prof. Sumaryanto as Rector of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta signed a Memorandum of Understanding on March 29, 2022 at UNY.

Improving the Quality of Education through Mandarin Language Training and Vocational Learning for Teachers in Indonesia

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) together with the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, the ASEAN-China Center and the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of Najing Vocational University of Industry and Technology (NJUIT) have successfully organized the "Chinese + Vocational Skills: training for local teachers in Indonesia 2022 activity ". This collaborative event started from March 14 to 23, 2022. This training activity lasted 40 hours of meetings with 660 teachers participating. Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation of UNY Prof.

Learning more on Prevention and Rehabilition Program of Drug Abuse from BNN

Drug abuse in Yogyakarta is increasing, as evidenced by the disclosure of 28 drug abuse cases from September to October 2021 with 35 suspects by the Regional Police of Yogyakarta. The stage of drug use usually begins with a trial and error stage, which increases to a recreational stage when hanging out with friends. Drug users can also consume actively when they suffer from depression, anxiety, sadness, and stress. When drug users reach the dependence stage, it may interfere with social life, work, or learning processes.

Faculty of Education UNY establishes cooperation with the Human Resources Development Agency and Community Empowerment of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration

Friday, March 18, 2022, at the Arjuna Building, the Center for Training and Empowerment of Village Communities, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of Yogyakarta Province. Dr. Sujarwo attended the signing of the Joint Work Agreement (PKB), M.Pd as Dean of Faculty of Education UNY, and Jajang Abdullah, M.Si as Secretary of the PMDDTT BPSDM Agency.