Quality Education

Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit of Kwayuhan youth through Piscok Lumer training

A team of UNY students consisting of Andika Roy Rahmawan, Frida Riyandari, Dina Istiana, Riyan Heriyana, Crisna Dewi, and Dwi Prayitno Dewi held a training on making Piscok Lumer (melted chocolate banana) for youth groups in Kwayuhan, Sleman. This activity is part of applying the Leadership Project course in pre-service teacher professional education.

Field Assessment of UNY Primary Education Doctoral Program

LAMDIK assessors conducted a field assessment of the Primary Education Doctoral Program. The two assessors are Prof. Fahrurrozy from Universitas Negeri Jakarta and Prof. Wahyu Sukartiningsih from Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

Both assessors were welcomed by UNY leaders in the Rectorate Meeting Room of UNY on Friday (28/7). The Rector of UNY, Prof. Sumaryanto, welcomed them to his institution and invited the assessors to collect sufficient data for accreditation purposes.

Learning Chemistry Using TikTok

Social media is online media distributed by electronic devices and various other devices to help exchange information systematically. "Utilizing the existing media can streamline students' learning activities and provide knowledge about new learning media. Thus, it is expected to improve learning outcomes and that learning objectives are easier to achieve because it can maximize time and energy," said Alifah Nida Luthfiyah, Chemistry Education program student of UNY (26/7). This prompted Alifah to utilize TikTok as a medium for learning chemistry at SMA 1 Depok.

Let's Adapt to the University Environment

"Welcome to the campus that we love together. Let's younger siblings in the Higher Education environment must be able to adapt because the college environment is different from that in secondary education and even basic education. Lecturers are different from teachers, and faculty staffs are different from employees at the school. Even the learning environment is different," said the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO.

Building Cooperation between UNY, UDN and IPB

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta has established partnerships with Universitas Doktor Nugroho (UDN) Magetan, East Java, and Instituto Politecnico De Betano (IPB) Timor Leste, signed on Monday (17/7) at the Rectorate of UNY. The memorandum of understanding was signed by UNY Rector Prof. Sumaryanto, UDN Rector Dr. Marsini and IPB President Prof. Assoc. Adj. Acacio Cardosol Amaral.

Closing of BIPA Credit Transfer Program at UNY

A total of 35 Chinese students have completed the Indonesian for Speakers of Other Languages (BIPA) Credit Transfer Program at the Faculty of Language, Arts and Culture, Universitas Negeri  Yogyakarta. The students came from three universities: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Xi'an International University and Yunnan Minzu University. The program lasted for one semester, from March to July 2023. Therefore, a closing ceremony was held recently to mark the end of the program.

Soft Skills as a Provision to Achieve Success for UNY New Students

Six hundred ninety-six new UNY students participated in soft skills coaching at the UNY Auditorium on Tuesday (11/7). The number consists of new undergraduate students batch 2023 from the Faculty of Education and Psychology with 192 students, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with 194 students, the Faculty of Social, Law, and Political Sciences with 144 students, and the Faculty of Vocational Studies with 166 students. Students who participated in the soft skill coaching are specifically accepted through the Nasiolan Selection Admission Path Based on Achievement in 2023.

Saga Independent Gymnastics Makes the Elderly More Independent, Healthy, and Fit

Older people experience significant changes physically, psychologically, and socially. These changes certainly affect all aspects of older people's life, including health. Rifky Riyandi Prastyawan tried to develop gymnastic movements that could improve the physical fitness and psychological and social wellbeing of older people in his dissertation research. According to him, these older adults deserve a healthier life if they get the right gymnastic exercise pattern. In addition, if older people remain healthy and fit, they can live independently without depending on others.

"My Journey" to assist self-service for visually impaired students

Students with visual impairments often experience difficulties performing independent care, namely orientation and mobility, that can be done independently without the need for assistive devices or the help of others. To help blind people facilitate mobility, a group of students from the Special Education program of the Faculty of Education and Psychology UNY designed My Journey. They are Dewi Meiliyan Ningrum, Kenanga Kusuma Murdiyani, Ardian Haryo Suseno and Khairil Mursyidin.

Promoting quality inclusive education through Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held the 1st Indonesian Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Summit 2023 at the Rectorate Main Conference Room on Friday (7/7). The summit, attended by more than 300 participants online and offline, was opened by UNY Vice Rector for Planning and Finance Prof. Lantip Diat Prasojo, representing the Rector and attended by Deputy Cultural Affairs Officer of the US Embassy Abraham Lee.