
BTN Scholarships for UNY Students

Head Office of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk, hand over Rp. 500,000,000 for Student Scholarship Education Assistance Program at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY). The Director of Distribution and Funding of Bank BTN, Jasmin, symbolically handed over this assistance to the Rector of UNY, Prof. Sumaryanto, on September 1, 2022, at UNY.

"We want this scholarship to be sustainable and can be given again next year," said Jasmin. Prof. Sumaryanto directly thanks Bank BTN for this educational assistance and hope that this collaboration can continue to help each other.

UNY Hosted Physical Trainer Training For Beginners

UNY's Sports Coaching Education Department held a Beginner's Physical Trainer Training on August 23-25, 2022. A total of 30 sports teachers from elementary and junior high schools in Yogyakarta participated in this training. This training is a collaboration between the Department of Sports Coaching Education of UNY and the Yogyakarta City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM).

Encouraging the Development of School Management Capacity through Collaboration between UNY and the Gunungkidul Education Office

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) in collaboration with the Gunungkidul Education Office, agreed to develop the capacity to manage private schools in Gunungkidul. One of the efforts is through the implementation of the "School Management Capacity Building" workshop on August 25, 2022. One hundred fifty private school principals from kindergarten, elementary, and junior high levels were invited to attend this activity. In this activity, school principals received reinforcement and material from Nunuk Setyawati, S.Pd., M.M. (Head of the Gunungkidul Education Office), Dr.

Improving the Quality of Education through ICT-Based HOTS Question Writing Training

The Master's Program in Educational Research and Evaluation held community services at SDN Tukharjo and SDN Purwoharjo, Kulon Progo Regency. In addition, the UNY team held a training "Writing of High-Level Critical Thinking Problems, Attitudes, and ICT-Based Knowledge with Quiziz" on 2-3 August 2022. Twenty-three teachers participated in this training.

Work skills certification for prospective graduates and alums of Civil Engineering and Planning Education UNY

Work competency certification guarantees workability quality professionally and measurably. For this reason, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), in addition to improving the quality of learning, also opens opportunities for work competency certification by collaborating with competent institutions. This notion is the basis for the collaboration between UNY, STARS YKPN, and Balai Jasa Konstruksi Wilayah IV Surabaya in the "Technical Guidance and Additional Competencies for Graduates and Prospective College Graduates in Construction Field in 2022".

Discussion of Research Cooperation with PT. INKA (Persero)

UNY followed up on the collaboration with PT. INKA (Persero) Madiun discusses research and development of welding method cooperation between PT. INKA with academy practitioners. Activities carried out at PT. INKA Madiun. UNY sent Prof. Didik Nurhadiyanto, Dr. Heri Wibowo, Dr. Mujiyono, Muslikhin, Ph.D. and Muhammad Irvan Eva Salafi, M.Or. to do this activity. According to Muhammad Irvan Eva Salafi, the meeting lasted two days. "On the first day, there was a presentation and Industrial Tour from INKA to 3 universities, namely UNS, UNY, and UNAIR," he said Wednesday (3/8).

UNY Strengthens Partnership with UNIMAS

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) received an online and offline visit from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) on July 29, 2022. Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation of UNY (Prof. Siswantoyo), Dean of the Faculty of Education (Dr. Sujarwo), and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Professor Herman Dwi Surjono) met with UNIMAS representatives.

E-Science: Open, Social, and Virtual Technologies for Research Collaboration with Prof. Thomas Kohler

"E-science is a socio-technical system, which can be approached from the perspective of a human, task or technology user, as identified by Heinrich. It aims to identify the dominant approach to e-science, to distinguish between different terms and identify how the terms reflect changes in existing research flows," said Prof. Dr. Thomas Kohler from Technicshe Universitat Dresden, Germany, in a public lecture themed “e-Science: Open, Social, and Virtual Technology for Research Collaboration” on July 19, 2022. This activity succeeded in attracting 75 participants both offline and online.

Vivit's Experience in the Credit Transfer Program at the University of Münster, Germany

"I like German. Since high school, although I majored in mathematics and science, there are cross-interests in foreign languages ​​offered specifically for mathematics and science students. Two foreign languages ​​are offered, namely English and German. Honestly, I was delighted and interested that I could learn German at school. Germany is one of the developed countries on the European continent, famous for its industrial and technological advances.

Improving Fire Safety Awareness with the Indonesian Fire Safety Professional Society (MPK2I)

Based on data from the Directorate General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, in Indonesia, there have been around 17,768 fire cases throughout 2021. In particular, short circuits of electricity caused 5,274 fire cases. With so many fire cases, various efforts to prevent and deal with fire cases are essential.