Quality Education

UNY-NYP-UITM collaboration to enhance doctoral students' understanding of the latest educational trends and research methodologies

Eight doctoral students of Technology and Vocational Education of UNY had the opportunity to attend the General Lecture at Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore and the Research Methodology Colloquium at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Through these activities, students learned about the latest trends in education and research methodology.

The spirit of spreading benefits to others

"I am excited to be active as a student because I have a strong desire to continue to spread benefits to others. The knowledge I learn on campus is a gift from Allah SWT that I must share with anyone in need," said Taufik Hidayat, one of UNY's undergraduate graduates who successfully graduated with a GPA of 3.96.

Taking the Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges of the World of Work in Era 5.0

"Highly educated workers tend to be engaged in the formal, tertiary sector (trade and services) in urban areas. Notably, highly educated workers in the primary sector, especially agriculture, tend to decline, or in other words, there is de-agriculturalization in the distribution of highly educated workers. The open unemployment rate in the higher education group is urban and female," said Prof. Anwar Sanusi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, at the UNY Public Lecture.

Meaningful chemical literacy for high school students

Currently, chemical literacy has become an important issue to discuss. Educating learners about literacy's benefits is a significant goal for educators, scientists, and curriculum policymakers. Chemical literacy is essential for students because it equips them to make decisions, makes them more critical and creative, and helps them solve everyday problems or natural phenomena based on their knowledge.

Performance-Based Assessment in Physical Education Learning

Prof. Guntur said that Physical Education builds students' cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Physical Education is an educational process that deals with the development and use of individual movement abilities that are voluntary, useful, and directly related to mental, social and emotional responses.

UNY inaugurated 14 new professors

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a Professor inauguration ceremony on Saturday, August 26, 2023, at the Auditorium UNY. The 14 professors who were inaugurated today came from 6 faculties, namely the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Language Arts and Culture, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social, Legal and Political Sciences, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences , and Faculty of Engineering.

Tackling miscommunication in learning for deaf students through the development of UNY DiSign

Many people think that deafness is less severe than blindness. This opinion is a wrong perception for deaf people. Sign language is one of the languages used by deaf people to communicate. UNY lecturer Dr. Hermanto conveyed this point in a workshop on the development of UNY DiSign on Friday (4/8). He says the deaf community uses sign language due to hearing limitations and accessibility. "Besides that, language development and technology limitations exist," he said.

UNY provides opportunities for 900 students to take part in the MBKM program

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta sent 900 students to join the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology's Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program on Friday (4/8). "Through this program, we can see the growth rate in terms of participants, which has increased from last year. This program is a form of commitment to move quickly to build civilization. As the spearhead to convey the message of education carried out at UNY, students need to promote the identity of UNY to be implemented in their respective environments," said Prof.

Case Method Instruction Workshop to Strengthen Computational Thinking of Students with Disabilities

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) is aware of the importance of providing insight to lecturers on how to handle students with disabilities, so in line with this, the INOBEL UNY team consisting of several lecturers of Special Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology held an activity with the theme "Workshop on Case Method Instruction for Strengthening Computational Thinking of Students with Disabilities" on Thursday, July 3, 2023, at the Porta Hotel.

Labdagati UNY Optimizes Creative Economy based MSMEs in Sendangarum

"As the leader of the Faculty of Social, Law and Political Sciences, I am proud and will always support the Capacity Building Program for UNY Student Organizations implemented by the UNY Labdagati Team to be the best. In the future, I hope this program will become a driver of sustainable economy," said Dr. Supardi, M.Pd, Vice Dean for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Social, Law and Political Sciences UNY on Monday (31/7).