
Promotion of a Healthy and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle through Fun Bikes

To "Build Harmonization and Synergy of UNY" in the field of Health, UNY held a Fun Bike activity on Sunday, 27 March 2022. Around 280 participants participated in this activity by implementing strict Covid-19 prevention health protocols.

“This Fun Bike activity aims to strengthen the sense of togetherness among faculty members at UNY. Besides that, through this activity, let us work together to maintain our health. One of them is by exercising regularly,” said UNY Rector, Prof. Sumaryanto.

Physical Distancing Detection Tool to Prevent Transmission of Covid-19 Based on Raspberry Pi

The covid-19 pandemic has forced us to adopt a new normal. One of the new normals is the implementation of physical distancing. Everyone must keep their distance to avoid transmission of the covid-19 virus from droplets that come out when coughing, sneezing, even when breathing and talking. Therefore, everyone should ideally maintain a distance of at least 1 meter when interacting with other people. To make physical distancing more effective, the UNY student team designed a Raspberry Pi-based warning tool for physical distancing violations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Learning more on Prevention and Rehabilition Program of Drug Abuse from BNN

Drug abuse in Yogyakarta is increasing, as evidenced by the disclosure of 28 drug abuse cases from September to October 2021 with 35 suspects by the Regional Police of Yogyakarta. The stage of drug use usually begins with a trial and error stage, which increases to a recreational stage when hanging out with friends. Drug users can also consume actively when they suffer from depression, anxiety, sadness, and stress. When drug users reach the dependence stage, it may interfere with social life, work, or learning processes.

Improving the Quality of Public Health to Realize a Healthy Indonesia

The concept of healthy living is still relevant to this day. A holistic health condition is a physically fit condition and a spiritual and social condition in society. We need harmony in maintaining a healthy body where four main factors affect the health status of the community. These four factors are determinant factors for the emergence of health problems. The four factors consist of behavioral or lifestyle factors, environmental factors (social, economic, political, cultural), health service factors (type of coverage and quality), and genetic factors.

A Healthy and Fun Celebration of UNY 58th Anniversary

"Thank God that today, we can gather for Joint Gymnastics to celebrate the 58th Anniversary of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in good health and full of happiness," said the Chairman of the Committee for the 58th Anniversary of UNY, Dr. Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, on Friday, February 4, 2022, at Taman Olahraga Masyarakat (TOM).


In order to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, in collaboration with the Sleman Health Service, carried out a booster vaccination for lecturers and education staff on Sunday, 30 January 2022. "This vaccination aims to achieve herd immunity because Covid cases have not disappeared at all. There is even a trend the case went up because there was a new variant of Omicron. Therefore, to help increase antibodies, we need a third booster vaccination,” said dr. Siti Hardiyanti from Depok III Health Center, Sleman.


Volcanic activity in Indonesia sometimes causes eruptions accompanied by volcanic ash, which causes a decrease in air quality in the area around the mountain. The decrease in air quality by volcanic ash is caused by chemical gases such as CO, NO2, and SO2, so any long exposure to volcanic ash may cause acute respiratory infection (ARI). Unfortunately, the N95 masks that the public has used have not effectively filtered volcanic ash less than 300nm in size. In addition, the polymer content made from plastic in N95 masks is prone to waste that is difficult to degrade naturally.


The team of UNY students from the Sociology Education Study Program introduced a herbal drink called Inter Rasa (Infuse Water, Spices, Fruits, and Vegetables). The team consists of Irfan Hermawan, Mustika Natalia, Ayomi Kusumaningrum, Mirda Yanti, and Anisa Nurul Chusna. They believed that the drink they created could maintain the body's metabolism and increase the body's immunity.


"Long life with a quality life is more valuable than just a long life," said dr. Probosuseno, Sp.PD-Kger in the event of the Eid al-Adha 1442 H Study at UNY Postgraduate. He explained that now it is no longer how to live a long life, but shifts his focus to how to live a quality life, not just a life, but a long and quality life.