Calmy Application for Helping People with Anxiety Disorder

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Anxiety disorder is a mental disorder that causes excessive anxiety and fear. Anxiety disorder inhibits the learning process, resulting in decreased academic performance. However, this disease is not widely understood by the public. Therefore, students of the Informatics Engineering Education study program at the Faculty of Engineering UNY developed a platform that can educate students about anxiety disorder and mental health disorders. The Calmy platform was developed with a superior feature: a Voice Chatbot integrated with Artificial Intelligence as a user story friend and talk therapy. They are Ima Nur Chasanah, Junnatunnisa and Dicky Khurniawan.

According to Ima Nur Chasanah, this application is expected to be a platform that can provide education and help prevent and overcome symptoms experienced by people with anxiety disorder. "From the research results, many Indonesian students still lack education and awareness of anxiety disorder," said Ima, Tuesday (1/8). Therefore, they developed a platform called Calmy.

Junnatunnisa added that the voice chatbot was developed using Natural Language Processing (NLP) as one of the disciplines in artificial intelligence that allows machine-to-machine interaction or human-to-machine interaction using natural language. "NLP works by understanding human language to be processed and generating responses according to context," she said. The Voice Chatbot is trained to interact with users like humans to become a storytelling friend and talk therapy to prevent and treat anxiety disorder symptoms because it is one of the best non-medicinal treatments for anxiety disorder. In addition, Calmy is equipped with supporting features such as Lessons, Exercises, Challenges, Self-care, Consultation, Daily Journal, Weekly Statistics, and Anxiety Disorder tests. Calmy also provides an SOS feature that can help users in an emergency.

Dicky Khurniawan explained that the main feature of Calmy is the voice chatbot. "In this feature, users will be given a different experience by chatting with a bot that can become a storytelling friend. Users can send messages via text or voice," said Dicky. Lessons are a feature that contains various materials or complete information about anxiety disorder and mental health disorders. In this section, users will be presented with illustrated material ranging from understanding, causes, symptoms, how to overcome, and so on. Users can adjust the text size according to the comfort of the user's reading size. At the same time, the exercise feature provides a variety of recommendations for positive activity options that can help users maintain mental health. The activities provided can also help users to build good habits that can not only prevent but also alleviate the symptoms experienced by people with anxiety disorder. There is also an Anxiety Disorder Test feature provided to measure the level of anxiety experienced by users. This feature provides several questions that users can answer according to their conditions. From the answers, a test result will appear: the user's anxiety level and recommendations that must be done.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak