Quality Education

Meaningful Education: Facing Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Era

In the turmoil of digital transformation, education has become an inseparable part of the changes taking place in Indonesia. However, with the widespread use of technology in learning, there are risks to forming active subjects in education. Prof. Dr. Sugeng Bayu Wahyono, M.Si., professor of Sociology of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, offers meaningful education as an alternative solution in facing the challenges and opportunities in the digital era.

Building the quality of human resources in North Kalimantan Province through the Recognition of Past Learning Program (RPL)

The Regional Secretary of North Kalimantan Province, Dr. H. Suriansyah, M. AP, led a cooperation visit to UNY on February 2, 2024. "North Kalimantan was formed based on Law No. 20 of 2012 with a population of only 700 thousand people. As a province that is still 12 years old, we are progressively cooperating in various fields, such as improving teacher academic qualification and quality," said Suriansyah.

Academic Orientation for 698 Professional Teacher Candidates Batch 1 Year 2024

"Participants of the Professional Teacher Education Program are expected to have harmonious, and balanced outputs. I hope that the participants of this program not only have cognitive and psychomotor competencies, but also affective," said UNY Rector, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M. Kes., AIFO at the "Academic Orientation for Batch 1 2024 Teacher Professional Education participants". There were 698 students from 16 fields of study attending this activity.

Developing Academic Knowledge and Enriching Cross-Cultural Understanding through the "Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka" Program
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"Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PPM) program is a collaboration of all universities throughout Indonesia that aims to enrich cultural treasures. The specialty of this program is that selected students can choose the university and study program they want. Hopefully, this program can provide valuable experience and support improving the quality of education in Indonesia," said Prof. Cerika Rismayanthi at the graduation of the "Independent Student Exchange" Program batch 3 at UNY on December 22, 2023.

Salsabila Agustina Achieves the Highest Grade Point Average at UNY Graduation Ceremony

Salsabila Agustina, S.Stat, known as Bella, achieved a grade point average of 3.93 in the UNY Graduation Ceremony of the 2nd Period of Academic Year 2023/2024."The first day of college, I was amazed by classmates who had an interest in the same field. Of course, I also met lecturers with vast knowledge to share with those of us who are still new," she said.

UNY students learn local wisdom in science learning with Assist.Prof. Dr. Roseleena Anantanukulwong

Assist. Prof. Dr. Roseleena Anantanukulwong from the Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University, Thailand, gave a public lecture to UNY Science Education students. Dr. Roseleena Anantanukulwong was a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY at the Science Education Department.

Building Quality Education through Education Human Resource Management

UNY believes that education is an investment in civilization. This belief is what encourages UNY to open a master's degree study program in Education Human Resource Management. "The focus of scientific development of the Education Human Resource Management study program is oriented towards efforts to diversify science and technology, especially human resource management in the field of education with Indonesian identity," said Director of UNY Graduate School, Prof. Anik Ghufron.

Improving Children's Intelligence and Literacy Skills by reading aloud

"The fact is that learning to read is a complex process and does not happen by itself. Learning to read needs planning, teaching parts of reading skills," said Nuradi Indrawijaya, S.Pd, Head of the Yogyakarta Reading Interest Community Movement at Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM) or Community Reading Corner  Nawasena Ngluwar, Magelang on September 25, 2023.