UNY Students Won Gold Medals at the Vietnam Sea Games

The Indonesian men's beach volleyball team beat Thailand in the XXXI Sea Games in Hanoi, Vietnam, and won the gold medal. Indonesia had Mohammad Ashfiya/Ade Chandra Rachmawan and Rendy Verdian Licardo/Gilang Ramadhan, who collected 240 points. Interestingly, the winning team has a student of the Undergraduate Sports Coaching Education study program, Faculty of Sports Science, UNY, namely Gilang Ramadhan.

UNY Support Improvement of the Human Resources Quality in Bojonegoro Regency through Recognition Past Learning (RPL)

The Agency for Human Resource Development and Empowerment of Villagers, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (BPSDM) of the Ministry of Villages PDTT signed a memorandum of understanding with the Bojonegoro Regency Government, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), and Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) on Friday (27/5) . Located on the 11th floor of the UNESA Rectorate Building, the memorandum of understanding brought up relates to improving the quality of human resources through the development of the Village Recognition Program (RPL) in the district of Bojonegoro.

Celebrating Partnership through UNY Network Awards 2022

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held the 2022 UNY Network Awards at the UNY Performance Hall on Wednesday (25/5). UNY Rector, Prof. Sumaryanto, said that UNY is continuously improving itself and consolidating to meet institutional status changes to become a Legal Entity State University. UNY strives for institutional and scientific transformation, financial independence, and strengthening the research culture with its new status. UNY also improves collaboration programs, lecturer recognition, research-based learning, and student involvement in research activities and community service.

Computer Based Test at UNY

15,971 people take a computer-based written exam to get a score for a mask to a public university at UNY. UNY has prepared 45 test rooms spread across all faculties. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Margana, said that the computer-based test schedule at UNY was divided into two group, namely 17-23 May 2022 and 28-31 May 2022.

Playing Table Tennis Casually and Win

The Men's Table Tennis and Women's Badminton Team of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)UNY won 1st place in the competition held to celebrate the 58th Anniversary of UNY, which was held on Friday 13 May 2022 at the Rectorate Hall of UNY. In the final match, the FMIPA team managed to beat a strong team from FIK UNY with 4-0. In the final match, 4 pairs from both teams immediately played simultaneously, and all of them were won by the FMIPA team. Before the final, the FMIPA team also won Group A, which consisted of FIP, Postgraduate, FT, and FBS teams.

UNY Collaborates With SEAMEO QITEP in Language (SEAQIL)

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) on Tuesday (17/5) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with SEAMEO QITEP in Language (SEAQIL) virtually through the Zoom application. The signing from the UNY was represented by the Vice Rector  for Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes, and from SEAQIL represented by the Director of SEAQIL Dr. Luh Anik Mayani. This is part of UNY's efforts in sustainable development goals in education and partnerships.

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Investment in Human Resources in Banyuwangi

The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia facilitates and continues to strive for further collaboration and strategic synergy between Higher Education, local government, and the Industry set in the matching fund program. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta is one of the universities actively seizing this opportunity by cooperating with the Banyuwangi district government partner. On Tuesday (17/5) at the Sabha Swagata Blambangan Hall, Banyuwangi, the signing of the MoU between UNY and the Banyuwangi Regency Government was held.

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta’s Conserves Culture through the Dalang Cilik Festival

Kunta Wijaya started holding the gunungan (Mountain shaped puppet) as a sign of the start of the wayang ( shadow puppet) performance entitled "Kangsa Lena". The young dalang (puppeteer) from Klaten has loved wayang since three years old. Kunta received guidance to learn to perform at the "Omah Wayang" studio led by Kristiaji. The performance of Kunta and several other young puppeteers enlivened the 2022 Festival Dalang Cilik (Young Puppeteers Festival) organized by the Faculty of Language and Arts (FLA) of UNY, which took place from 15-19 May 2022.

Inauguration of Five UNY Professor

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta inaugurated the title of Professor for five lecturers on Saturday (14/5). They are Prof. Dr. Mumpuarti, M.Pd. (as Professor in the Field of Intellectual Barriers Education, Faculty of Education), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur Wangid, M.Si (as Professor in the Field of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education), Prof. Dr. Roswita Lumban Tobing, M. Hum. (as Professor of French Linguistics at the Faculty of Language and Arts), Prof. Dr. Sri Winarni, M. Pd. (as Professor in the Field of Physical Education Curriculum Science, Faculty of Sports Science), and Prof. Dr.