UNY Library Achieves “A” Accreditation

The UNY Library has won accreditation A from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, which is valid until December 9, 2026. This achievement is extraordinary because since UNY Library was established in 1964, it has never been accredited until 2020. In this accreditation, UNY managed to get a score of 96.50 based on meetings between reviewers and related officials. According to the Head of UNY Library, Prof. Sulis Triyono, this achievement is the highest score achievement compared to other university libraries.

Swara Wadhana UNY Won as Grand Prix Winner at Bandung Choral Festival 2022

The Swara Wadhana Student Choir of UNY won as the Grand Prix Winner at the 2022 Bandung Choral Festival competition at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung. This competition is a collaboration between the Bandung Choral Society and the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of BNN.The 2022 Bandung Choral Festival juries are experts and experienced figures in the choir world, including Catharina Leimena, Avip Priatna, Arvin Zeinullah, Hwang Hwa Sook and Daud Kosasih.

UNY Graduated Doctoral Dual Degree with Abai KNPU Kazakhstan

The Rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Abai KNPU), Bilyalov Darkhan Nurlanovich in Almaty Kazakhstan inaugurated Dr. Gulzhaina Kassymova, Ph.D on March 30, 2022. This graduation is a dual degree program with a Doctoral Program in Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY). Gulzhaina Kassymova completed her dual degree doctoral program at UNY and Abai KNPU during the 2017-2020 period. Currently, she teaches at Satbayev University, Abay University, and Suleiman Demerel University.

Improving the quality of football coaching through the PSSI License Coach course

UNY supports efforts to improve the quality of football coaching. One of the forms is through the implementation of the “PSSI D License Trainer Course”. This training lasted for three days, with participants around 30 students and alumni of the UNY Sports Coaching Education (PKO) Department.

Getting the Opportunity for studying at UNY for free

Qotrun Nada, daughter of Riswanto and Daryati, who earn a living as a daily farm laborer and small trader, can study at UNY for free. She will learn in the sociology education study program of the Faculty of Social Sciences. “Initially, I felt that I was in the wrong major since I entered natural science in high school.  Such a situation has influenced my grade poorly.  Fortunately, my score was not too embarrassing during the final exam,” said Qotrun Nada.

Advocacy for Nurturing Pancasila Ideology to Prevent Radicalism and Terrorism

Center for the Study of Pancasila Education and Character of Research Institute and Community Service Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(LPPM UNY), in collaboration with the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) and several partner universities today, Wednesday (30/3) held a Group Discussion Forum (FGD) with the theme "Points of Thought About Criteria for Radicalism and Efforts to Overcome It".

Wuling Motors Collaborates With UNY

Wuling Motors collaborates with Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) in education, research, community service, and resource and industrial development. To officially mark this collaboration, Maulana Hakim as Aftersales Director Wuling and Prof. Sumaryanto as Rector of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta signed a Memorandum of Understanding on March 29, 2022 at UNY.

Promotion of a Healthy and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle through Fun Bikes

To "Build Harmonization and Synergy of UNY" in the field of Health, UNY held a Fun Bike activity on Sunday, 27 March 2022. Around 280 participants participated in this activity by implementing strict Covid-19 prevention health protocols.

“This Fun Bike activity aims to strengthen the sense of togetherness among faculty members at UNY. Besides that, through this activity, let us work together to maintain our health. One of them is by exercising regularly,” said UNY Rector, Prof. Sumaryanto.

UNY is Committed to Giving Open Education Access in Indonesia

The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) team carried out a field assessment at UNY on the applied bachelor of Office Administration study program, Faculty of Economics. The team assessed on March 25-26, 2022. Prof. Dr. Naili Farida, M.Sc. (Universitas Diponegoro) and Dra. Maya Setiawardani, M. Pd. (Poliliteknik Negeri Bandung) came to UNY as a representative assessor to confirm various data from the Office Administration Applied Bachelor study program.

Physical Distancing Detection Tool to Prevent Transmission of Covid-19 Based on Raspberry Pi

The covid-19 pandemic has forced us to adopt a new normal. One of the new normals is the implementation of physical distancing. Everyone must keep their distance to avoid transmission of the covid-19 virus from droplets that come out when coughing, sneezing, even when breathing and talking. Therefore, everyone should ideally maintain a distance of at least 1 meter when interacting with other people. To make physical distancing more effective, the UNY student team designed a Raspberry Pi-based warning tool for physical distancing violations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.