Community Services

Training on Making Purple Sweet Potato Sticks for Jelok Gunungkidul Community

Yam is a plant that grows creeping above the ground, produces tubers in the soil, and can grow on less fertile land. Yam is grown in sandy, loose soil, contains lots of nutrients, has good drainage, and has a soil acidity of pH 5.5 - 7.5. Yam is one of the agricultural products found in almost all areas of Gunungkidul, including in Jelok Pacarejo Semanu where the community service location of the Faculty of Vocational UNY students is located. This point encourages them to utilize the local potential to be processed into alternative food.

Beach Clean Up and Ecobric Workshop: Community Service of UNY International Students

The Faculty of Language, Arts and Culture of Yogyakarta State University organized a social service outing for FBSB UNY International Students at Parangkusumo Beach. With the title "Beach Clean Up", this activity is a social service of beach cleaning, eco-bricking workshops and literacy-based fun activities with children around the beach. This activity involved international students taking credit transfer, bachelor and master programs at UNY. Forty-five international students participated in this activity.

UNY Students Empower Local Food with Coconut Cookies Cooking Training

Coconut is one of the tropical plants. The majority of regions in Indonesia must have plants whose fruits are multipurpose. Bojong Panjatan Kulonprogo is no exception, as almost all areas have coconut trees. This fact became the target of UNY Vocational KKN students in Bojong IV, who processed it into something different. The students processed it into pastries to utilize local food potential. In addition, this program can also help welcome the formation of MSMEs.

The Story of Janu, UNY Alumni and Founder of

Do you still remember Janu Muhammad? The son of a vegetable seller in Sleman Market who graduated from the geography education program at the Faculty of Social, Legal and Political Sciences UNY with a GPA of 3.70 and continued his master's study at the University of Birmingham (UoB) majoring in Research in Human Geography, UK, England through an LPDP scholarship.

DWP UNY Visit to Muhammadiyah Sayegan Orphanage

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP UNY), on Sunday (2/4) visited the Muhammadiyah Sayegan Orphanage led by the chairperson of DWP UNY, Sulastri Sumaryanto. Present from the Sayegan Muhammadiyah Orphanage welcomed the DWP UNY group, the Chairman of the orphanage foundation Sutarto, Siswo Sarjono as the elder of the orphanage, Dana Nurhana as the administrator of the Development Section, as well as several representatives from the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) Aisyiyah Sayegan Branch.

UNY Sent Off Students who Participated in Community Service and Teaching Practicum Programs for The Even Semester of The Academic Year 2022/2023

"Education is an investment in civilization. It has become our passion to give quality education. Let us implement our passion directly to the community because our core business is education,” said UNY Rector at the send-off ceremony for Community Service and teaching practicum programs on Wednesday (1/3) at the UNY Auditorium. The Rector, accompanied by the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs and the Vice-Rector for Planning and Finance, sent 281 students for community service and teaching practicum this semester.

Debriefing for UNY students participating in community service and educational practice programs

"Officially, the debriefing of the community service program and educational practice for the 2022/2023 Academic Year has started... Fweet!," said Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M. Kes. as Vice-Rector for Academic, Student Affairs, and alumni of UNY while blowing the whistle at the UNY Auditorium on 23 February 2023.

Nahiyah, Religious Figure and Social Activist

One of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY’s professors, Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi Faraz, M.Pd. passed away last Friday (13/1) at Annur Yogyakarta Hospital. Born in Pekalongan, on January 8, 1952, Nahiyah became the second professor at the Management Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY when she was inaugurated in December 2014. At that time, Nahiyah raised the title "Servant Leadership, an Alternative Leadership Model in the Business World for a Better Indonesia" which is in the field of HR Performance Evaluation Science.

Healthy Chips from Banana Stem Waste

A team of UNY students consisting of Yustina Rahma Sari, Linda Oktafianingsih, Brina Gamelisa, Kiki Adisti, Rahayu, Tiar Rahmasanti, Arief Kurniawan, Fani Maulana, Muhammad Raihan A and Tria Adelia succeeded in processing banana stems into chips. "After harvesting bananas, banana tree trunks are cut down and rotted. People mostly have not used banana stems, so the stems have no economic value. Therefore, we are interested in making food innovations from banana stems," said Yustina Rahma Sari.

UNY Team assists efforts to improve the quality of Soun as local food

Dr. Nani Ratnaningsih STP MP, Dr. Mujiyono ST MT W.Eng and several UNY students are committed to improving the quality of soun products at Adi Mulya Cooperative in Manjung Village, Klaten. Manjung village has been producing soun since the 1950s. In Manjung Village, there are around 70 soun entrepreneurs (including MSMEs) and as much as 30% of the total population of Manjung Village depends on making soun. Every day, they are able to process around 200-300 kg of palm starch into 50-90 kg of dry rice noodles.