Responsible Production

Balance Bike from Hemp Fiber for Children to Learn Balance

Five Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) students have developed an innovative balance bike made from jute fiber. The bike serves to train cycling balance for early childhood.

The five students who made the balance bike include Rokhmad Syarifuddin (Mechanical Engineering Education), Alvy Zalyaputra Hermawan (Manufacturing Engineering), Dani Nurdiansyah (Manufacturing Engineering), Priesca Rahmanita (Management) and Desinta Auliya Arsa (Management). During the development process, the student team received guidance from Dr. Mujiono from the Faculty of Engineering UNY.

Sandiana Uno Appreciates Corncob Waste Crafts by UNY Students

Corn (Zea Mays L) is a plantation crop that thrives in Indonesia and can be harvested 2-3 times a year. The corn harvest period is the most awaited because farmers benefit from their crops. However, most of the corn is sold a whole. The corn cobs are only burned and even thrown away as waste. The problem is that corncob waste is easily decomposed and causes an unpleasant odor. This problem has prompted Ade Kurniawan, a student of craft education at UNY, to process corncob waste into handicraft products that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and encourage zero waste implementation.

Learning How to Make Stylish Ecoprint Scarf

Applying the ecoprint technique to fabrics can produce a pattern of distinctive shapes and colors according to the natural materials used. We can create patterns and textures very similar to the original with the proper methods. The colors that emerge from this coloring process are usually natural and soft. In the long term, the ecoprint technique is claimed to be more environmentally friendly when compared to conventional coloring techniques.

Sustainable Freshwater Fish Farming with Oculo

Indonesia is ranked in the top 3 as the largest fish-producing country in the world, after China and India. However, the Balitbang of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries explained that per capita fish consumption in Indonesia has only reached 25.77 kg. This figure is relatively low when compared to other countries, where one of the causes of the low consumption of fish is the price which is still relatively high. This high price is due to the lack of efficient technology and methods of freshwater fish farming currently used.


The high mortality rate of catfish does not only cause economic losses for catfish farmers. It also causes environmental pollution in the form of odors and without proper care, it may also decrease water quality of nearby river.