Quality Education

UNY conducts Computer Based Test (CBT) at the campus level for prospective student

Prospective UNY students have several choices in the admissions process. There are several schemes available, namely Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK), academic achievement pathway selection, sports achievement selection, and Computer Based Test (CBT) which is held on campus or domicile.

EFH UNY Recycling Workshop: Developing Children's Creativity Amidst Plastic Waste Crisis

Plastic waste is not only difficult to decompose or biodegrade, plastic waste that is eaten by animals such as fish will eventually be consumed by us in the form of microplastics. This is certainly dangerous both for the environment and for ourselves. Departing from this fact, English for Holidays (EFH) UNY, which this year has the theme "Green Champion", introduced a new agenda entitled Recycling Workshop.

Developing technical and soft skills in game design and development through Certified Independent Study Internship (MSIB)

Amelia Noormufida Widya Hartanti participated in a Certified Independent Study Internship (MSIB) at PT. Mitra Talenta Jakarta Selatan. This company is engaged in human resource development in the IT field which aims to help talents accelerate their careers. Celerates offers its flagship program, the Celerates Acceleration Program, a 1-year career acceleration scholarship program consisting of intensive training/bootcamp, mentoring, case studies, miniprojects, networking and on job placement.

UNY Supports the development of quality education in Riau through Cooperation with Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP)

The year 2017 became an important point for STIKes Tuanku Tambusai and STKIP Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai which merged into Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) consisting of 4 Faculties and 16 Study Programs. This change in status then further spurred various institutional strengthening programs at the university located in Riau.

Strengthening the capacity of expertise in tropical biology through FMN OCELOTS

Rio Christy Handziko, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd, a lecturer at the Department of Biology Education of UNY, participated in the Faculty Mentoring Network - Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems (FMN - OCELOTS) 2024. Rio Christy has been teaching courses related to tropical ecology and researching intensively in the field of Tropical Ecology. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) USA, with the main organizers being Iowa State University (ISU) and the University of Michigan (IoM) in America.

UNY Career Day: Achieve Your Best Career with UNY

To facilitate prospective graduates to participate in direct recruitment with the industrial world and partner institutions, on Wednesday (22/5) at GOR UNY, an opportunity was made for UNY partner companies to share information entitled UNY Career Day. This is a form of service to partners, UNY provides an opportunity for partner companies to share information about careers, internships, and various forms of HR recruitment needed by partners. This was said by the Director of Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Prof. Dr.

Celebrating 60th UNY Anniversary with the spirit of work culture transformation

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) celebrated its 60th anniversary with the theme "Transformation of Work Culture to Strengthen UNY" at UNY Auditorium on May 21, 2024. UNY invited the Chairman of the Assembly of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI) Prof. H. Ganefri, Ph.D as a speaker. "UNY has the right to set its own priorities, conduct scientific research, as well as its implementation in the wider community, and also has greater autonomy in academic and non-academic management," he said.

IISMA 2024 Awardee Onboarding

Thirteen UNY students received scholarships in various countries through IISMA in 2024. This was said by the Director of the Directorate of Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni (DAKA) UNY Prof. Lia Yuliana in the Onboarding of IISMA 2024 Awardees by the Ministry of Research and Technology at the Auditorium Building D 2nd Floor of the Ministry of Research and Technology, Jakarta, Tuesday (21/5). Besides the Director of DAKA, Ghulam Dzaky Dewanto, Marketing Management 2021, Faculty of Vocational Studies, was also present.

Cooperation and Synergy Between Postgraduate Leaders to Improve the Quality of Higher Education in Indonesia

Various issues arise in the management of graduate schools related to the integration of master's and doctoral levels that join the faculty, mono vs multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary. These are the challenges and opportunities discussed in the meeting of the Association of Postgraduate Leaders of State Universities throughout Indonesia held on May 10-12, 2024. 47 participants actively participated in this meeting.

17 Professional Engineers Ready to Answer Development Challenges

"We need engineers who are professional and have integrity to develop better Indonesia. I hope these new engineers can contribute to the development of the nation and state," said UNY Rector, Prof. Sumaryanto, during the Yudisium for 17 students of UNY Professional Engineer Program Study Program on 18 May 2024.