
Promotion of healthy living through sport facilities and commemoration of National Sports Day 2023 at Gunungkidul campus

UNY actively supports various efforts to cultivate the community both for achievement purposes and to support a healthy lifestyle. Through various sports facilities on the UNY Campus, many general public and professional athletes have exercised and competed. To provide more comprehensive access, the construction of sports facilities is not only centered on the main campus of UNY.

Health Promotion to Improve the Fitness of Elderly Hajj Pilgrims

"The number of Indonesian pilgrims aged 60 years and over reaches 25.31%. For these elderly pilgrims, if the departure is not well prepared, there will be various risks of health problems," said Prof. Dr. Yudik Prasetyo, M.Kes. AIFO, during his inauguration as a professor on May 6, 2023 at the Performance Hall of the Faculty of Language and Cultural Arts UNY.

Fun Fitness Exercise Model to Increase Muscle Strength and Endurance in the Elderly

Based on data from WHO, the number of elderly people tends to continue to increase, reaching 1 billion in 2019, then increasing in 2030 with an estimate of 1.4 billion and in 2050 reaching 2.1 billion. In Indonesia, in 2019 the number of elderly people reached 25.9 million, in 2025 it is projected that the number of elderly people will increase to 33.7 million and will continue to increase until 2035, estimated to be 48.2 million people (Ministry of Health, 2021).

UNY Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle through Sports Competition among Faculties and Units to Celebrate The 59th Anniversary

UNY held a series of sports matches between faculties/units in the framework of its 59th Anniversary. This series of activities began with a badminton match on May 2-3, 2023. The Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, officially opened this series of activities by hitting the shuttlecock toward the line of players. "We hold this series of sports matches to have fun. I hope there will be no disputes due to score problems or other technical problems. There are several sports that we will compete in.

Studying Shorinji Kempo Training Model Based on Alor Dance, Charles Nyoman Wali Achieves Doctoral Degree

The traditional dances of Alor, NTT, namely Lego-lego, Moka Nona, and Cakalele have the same basic movements as Shorinji kempo training techniques. Charles Nyoman Wali studied it further in his dissertation entitled Development of Shorinji Kempo Training Model Based on Local Dance of East Nusa Tenggara to Improve Basic Technical and Affective Skills of Kenshi 9-12 Years.

UNY Receives an Award from KONI UNY

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) received the "Best Student Sports Coaching College" award from KONI DIY this time. This award was given because UNY contributes the most to the sports field in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The award was given directly by the Deputy Governor of Yogyakarta, KGPAA Paku Alam X to the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at Grand Tjokro Yogyakarta Hotel.


"Data on types of exercise to increase immune response to Covid-19 are still limited, but there is evidence that the incidence of URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) and death from URTI is lower in those who exercise regularly," said Prof. Dr. dr. BM Wara Kushartanti, M.S. in her inaugural speech as a professor in the field of Health Sports Education at the Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas  Negeri Yogyakarta.