Sustainable Freshwater Fish Farming with Oculo

Indonesia is ranked in the top 3 as the largest fish-producing country in the world, after China and India. However, the Balitbang of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries explained that per capita fish consumption in Indonesia has only reached 25.77 kg. This figure is relatively low when compared to other countries, where one of the causes of the low consumption of fish is the price which is still relatively high. This high price is due to the lack of efficient technology and methods of freshwater fish farming currently used.

Increasing Student Entrepreneurial Spirit through Easy Capital Access

"Thank you for the trust from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to UNY to hold this National Seminar. We must have a strong entrepreneurial spirit in various sectors so that we have comprehensive experience and are not only great in theory but also able to do the great practice. Therefore, synergy with the ministry is essential," said Prof Sumaryanto in his remarks at the national seminar on "Efforts to Increase Student Entrepreneurial Spirit through KUR and Ease of Access to Capital", on Tuesday, 28 June 2022.

Increasing Awareness of Reproductive Health for the People of Keputran Village

Having good reproductive health is a fundamental right of every person. Therefore, various dissemination efforts need to be encouraged. This reason is the basis for the Research Group Team (RG) of UNY lecturers to carry out community service in Keputran village, Klaten, on 26 June 2022. The team chose Keputran village because this village is one of the villages with a high target of family planning acceptors with the number of couples of childbearing age which is quite a lot.

The Daughter of a Sewing Worker Successfully Graduated from UNY with Bidikmisi Support

Agus Siswanto and Mimin Jeminten were happy to see their daughter, Hesti Wulandari, graduate from UNY with a GPA of 3.87 cum laude predicate. Agus and Mimin used to worry about the tuition fees they had to pay so Hesti could study at UNY. Fortunately, Hesti received information on Bidikmisi educational assistance from her teacher at SMKN 7 Purworejo. As a result, Hesti was finally able to study at UNY with Bidikmisi. Bidikmisi is tuition assistance from the government for high school graduates (SMA) or equivalent who have good academic potential but have economic difficulties.

Six UNY Robot Teams Passed the 2022 Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) at the National Level

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) successfully has six teams to compete in the 2022 National Level Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI), which will be held from 29 June to 03 July 2022 at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. The Indonesian Robot Contest in 2022 will feature 6 (six) divisions, namely the Indonesian ABU Robot Contest (KRAI), the Indonesian Search and Rescue Robot Contest (KRSRI), the Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) on wheels, the Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI) Humanoid, and the Indonesian Football Robot Contest (KRSBI).

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Accepts 2334 New Students through Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN) 2022

UNY accepted 2,334 new students through the joint selection to enter state higher education (SBMPTN) 2022. These new students comprised 800 students from the science and technology category and 1534 from the social and humanities category. Of these 2334 students, 901 received tuition assistance from the government for high school/equivalent graduates with good academic potential but economic limitations but excel to continue their studies in higher education through the KIP (Smart Indonesia Card) Study scheme.

UNY Students Develop a Medicinal Plant Conservation area in Brajan Village, Klaten, Central java

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences succeeded in obtaining assistance for the 2022 Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

Encouraging the improvement of the quality of human resources in Asmat through a partnership between Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Musamus University, and the Asmat Regency Government

"I am proud and grateful for the opportunity to synergize with the Asmat Regency government and Universitas Musamus to improve the quality of institutions and human resources," said Prof. Sumaryanto in his remarks at the MoU signing ceremony between Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY), Musamus University (UNMUS) and the Asmat Regency Government on June 25, 2022.

Graduation is an Important Part of Developing Competitive Human Resources

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a graduation ceremony for the June period, carried out online and offline at the Auditorium on Saturday, June 25, 2022. UNY held a graduation ceremony for 937 students during this period, with 342 students attending the auditorium and 595 participating online. Based on education degree, there are 28 graduates for the Doctoral Degree, 176 graduates for the Master Degree, 657 graduates for the Bachelor Degree, and 76 people for the Diploma Degree.