Health Promotion to Improve the Fitness of Elderly Hajj Pilgrims

"The number of Indonesian pilgrims aged 60 years and over reaches 25.31%. For these elderly pilgrims, if the departure is not well prepared, there will be various risks of health problems," said Prof. Dr. Yudik Prasetyo, M.Kes. AIFO, during his inauguration as a professor on May 6, 2023 at the Performance Hall of the Faculty of Language and Cultural Arts UNY.

Computer-Based Admission Examination for National Selection Based on Test Year 2023 at UNY Runs Smoothly

As in the previous year, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) hosted the Computer-Based Admission Examination for National Test-Based Selection in 2023.  This exam is a national selection pathway for prospective students who are interested in continuing their education at state universities in Indonesia. UNY provides quite a lot of spare computers to anticipate the possibility of computer problems. In addition, to avoid cheating, UNY takes several steps, namely synchronizing data, preparing security in collaboration with the police, and using metal detectors.

Fun Fitness Exercise Model to Increase Muscle Strength and Endurance in the Elderly

Based on data from WHO, the number of elderly people tends to continue to increase, reaching 1 billion in 2019, then increasing in 2030 with an estimate of 1.4 billion and in 2050 reaching 2.1 billion. In Indonesia, in 2019 the number of elderly people reached 25.9 million, in 2025 it is projected that the number of elderly people will increase to 33.7 million and will continue to increase until 2035, estimated to be 48.2 million people (Ministry of Health, 2021).

UNY strengthens education quality commitment with 15 new professors

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) officially inaugurated 15 professors on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at the Performance Hall of the Faculty of Language Arts and Culture UNY. The new professors come from 5 faculties: the Faculty of Education and Psychology, the Faculty of Language Arts and Culture, the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, and the Faculty of Economics and Business. 

UNY Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle through Sports Competition among Faculties and Units to Celebrate The 59th Anniversary

UNY held a series of sports matches between faculties/units in the framework of its 59th Anniversary. This series of activities began with a badminton match on May 2-3, 2023. The Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, officially opened this series of activities by hitting the shuttlecock toward the line of players. "We hold this series of sports matches to have fun. I hope there will be no disputes due to score problems or other technical problems. There are several sports that we will compete in.

Bungong Jeumpa as inspiration for Batik Dress

Bungong Jeumpa is one of the Acehnese folk songs famous throughout Indonesia. When hearing Bungong Jeumpa, everyone will remember Aceh. Bungong jeumpa is a flower that is the pride of the people of Aceh. The song Bungong Jeumpa has a deep meaning; the song Bungong Jeumpa describes the spirit and beauty of the Land of Aceh, symbolized by a typical royal flower. Bungong jeumpa is known by people outside Aceh as cempaka flower. In the hands of UNY students, Bungong Jeumpa was transformed into a work of art in a batik dress.

Coconut Coir Fiber as Concrete Additive for Rural Road Pavement

Damage to roads with concrete pavement is often found in rural areas, one of the causes is the use of roads that exceed the maximum load of the road. This is due to inappropriate material selection or imperfect construction methods in implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in the field of construction, especially road pavements that use concrete with the addition of mixtures from environmentally friendly materials.

Improving Educational Accessibility for Children of Marginalized Families

In education, a conducive culture is a learning activity that delivers a way of life that is developed and shared by the education unit, and becomes a benchmark for students' behavior. This understanding requires public awareness, especially schools, families, and communities, to collaborate with education.