Discussion of Academic Cooperation with The University of Seville, Spain

FIKK UNY received a visit from two sports professors from the University of Seville, Spain, as part of a sports development cooperation agenda sponsored by Erasmus. Professor Francis Ries, Ph.D. and Professor Luis Carrasco Paez, Ph.D. served as guest lecturers at the Department of Physical Education (POR) and the Department of Physical Science (IK), and in the academic cooperation development agenda from 8 - 15 March 2023.

A Safety Lamp Model Made by UNY Students Won Second Place in the Road Safety Innovation Competition

The existence of transportation is a vital need for the community. The importance of transport cannot be separated from the mobility needs that the community must carry out. The increasing number of motorized vehicles sees this transportation need to this day. This increase in the number of vehicles must be accompanied by providing road infrastructure that supports safe driving. One of the enabling factors in driving safety is the provision of facilities or infrastructure for safe driving behaviour, such as traffic signs and street lighting.

UNY Shares Experiences with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Providing Services for Students with Disabilities

Since 1964, UNY has facilitated prospective students with disabilities during admission (SIPENMARU). UNY has graduated many students with disabilities in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and has been accepted as a civil servant. UNY has a special education department that studies special education. In addition, a special education study is inherent in the Center for Elementary Education Studies at the Research Institute (1990-2000), where activities are in collaboration with the DIY Regional Government and a disability study centre under LPPM until 2018. Dr.

Sorghum Kolak Cake, a New Alternative Way to Process Sorghum

Sorghum is one of the cereal products that are widely grown in Indonesia. This type of cereal has a higher vitamin and mineral content than wheat, and even sorghum has a high antioxidant substance. Consuming sorghum can prevent diabetes. Although sorghum's benefits are abundant, its utilization is minimal, and it even ends up as animal feed. This fact attracted the attention of UNY students, who mixed it into sorghum compote cake. She is Tika Nur Affrimawati.

Studying Shorinji Kempo Training Model Based on Alor Dance, Charles Nyoman Wali Achieves Doctoral Degree

The traditional dances of Alor, NTT, namely Lego-lego, Moka Nona, and Cakalele have the same basic movements as Shorinji kempo training techniques. Charles Nyoman Wali studied it further in his dissertation entitled Development of Shorinji Kempo Training Model Based on Local Dance of East Nusa Tenggara to Improve Basic Technical and Affective Skills of Kenshi 9-12 Years.

16 UNY Students Tutor BIPA Students At Yale University

In 2023, the second time BIPA FBSB UNY was involved in assisting BIPA students from Yale University to learn Indonesian. This activity is a neat collaboration of UNY, UNNES, and UNS, each represented by Dr. Ari Kusmiatun, M.Hum., Dr. Wati Istanti, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Kundharu Saddono, M.Pd., in collaboration with Yale University, New Heaven, USA.

Health Care Training Using QRMA Methods

In order to improve services at the Health and Sport Center (HSC) UNY, the HSC manager held a health test training using the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer (QRMA) hand press set on Friday, February 24, 2023 at GPLA FIKK 3rd Floor. Present as speakers, Mrs. Musanti from Kalbe Farma and Dr. Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, Ph.D. from the HSC UNY medical team.

Musanti explained the use of the QRMA tool for health tests technically without taking blood but utilizing magnetic waves to scan. The tool is one of the technological developments in the health sector.

Commemoration of Village RPL Day in Bojonegoro

I am grateful to have smart friends in a rich region who can seize opportunities. Smart because they know where to take the available money so that today Bojonegoro is the first district in the world to organize a Village RPL. A smart person is one who can distribute his potential for the sake and benefit of his community. Thank you to Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta and Universitas Negeri Surabaya for managing in such a way in guiding students. This was said by the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Dr.