Sustainable Citiesand Communities

Preserving the Kancet Ledo Dance through the Rosemery Robot
international-office Tue, 06/14/2022 - 12:59

Preservation of arts and culture can go hand in hand with technological development. This message emerged from the participation of the Yogyakarta State University (UNY) Robot Team in the Regional 2 Dance Robot Contest in 2022 at the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya. The UNY robot team featured Robot Rosemery, who danced Kancet Ledo and won second place. This robot contest is a part of the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI).

IKAPEN UNY Preserves Musical Arts

Anyone can participate in the preservation of musical art. This spirit emerged from the initiation of the Retired Association (IKAPEN) UNY Karawitan Art Group by Drs. Wien Pudji PDP., M.Pd., a former lecturer from the Department of Dance Education, Faculty of Language and Arts UNY. Currently, the IKAPEN Karawitan Group already has 25 members.

Danendra, One of the Youngest Participants of the Young Dalang Festival (FDC) UNY

Danendra Imam Gaddafie played the wayang well in the play entitled "Gatotkaca Jedhi". His voice echoed steadily throughout the room, accompanying the solah (playing tempo), musical instrument elements and cepengan (holding/moving the puppets) impressively like a professional dalang. Denendra is a grade 2 student at SDN Mojo 1 Ngawi. He has been interested in the world of wayang since he was four years old when he saw Ki Seno's puppet show on YouTube. "I like Ki Seno's performance ," he said.