Turmeric Brownies as A New Way to Enjoy Family Medicinal Plants

UNY student team continues to promote healthy food products with many benefits. Finda Triarsa, Anas Tri Yanati, Qothifah Nabila, Margaretha Echa Chrisnawati, Ervita Mutia Sari, Sekar Lestari, Kavita Diah Kusuma Astuti, Ananda Elya Riawan, Aldina Sari and Yuli Sulistiyono succeeded in developing and introducing Turmeric Brownies through training on making Turmeric Brownis for the people of Somodaran, Sleman Regency.

UNY Students Introduce the Benefits of Aloe Vera Plants for Health

The aloe vera plant is well-known as a plant that is useful for skin and hair health. However, a team of UNY students from the vocational faculty of UNY succeeded in developing other benefits of aloe vera as a healthy drink and food for the community.

This innovative product originated from community service activities in Domban Village, Sleman. The UNY student team and KWT Ngundi Rahayu Domban succeeded in developing candied drinks and cendol.

Turning plastic waste into eco-bricks

Plastic waste is one of the most alarming environmental problems. The amount of plastic waste generated by the community is quite large, so it needs efficient management so as not to cause adverse effects on public health. This problem concerns a group of UNY students who process it into eco-bricks. The eco-brick program is an alternative to plastic waste management. It can be done by collecting plastic waste and then putting it into bottles densely to become eco-bricks that can be used as building materials.

Creating opportunities for the development of sustainable innovations for universities and youth organizations

UNY was awarded as a collaborator partner of the Social Innovation Week activity as a form of implementation of UNY Mbangun Deso (UNY Program on Village Development) cooperation with Karang Taruna Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Youth Organization).

Cooperation between UNY and Kimia Farma - drug test for employees

To prevent drug abuse and self-detection from drug use, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a drug test for lecturers and teaching staff. The drug test was held at the Health and Sport Center Building of UNY's Faculty of Sport Sciences on Thursday (19/10) and is an annual agenda attended by around 200 participants.

Improving Children's Intelligence and Literacy Skills by reading aloud

"The fact is that learning to read is a complex process and does not happen by itself. Learning to read needs planning, teaching parts of reading skills," said Nuradi Indrawijaya, S.Pd, Head of the Yogyakarta Reading Interest Community Movement at Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM) or Community Reading Corner  Nawasena Ngluwar, Magelang on September 25, 2023.

Encouraging the improvement of soft skills of UNY students through Student Extracurricular Awards (PEM)

New UNY students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences attended the Student Extracurricular Award Workshop (PEM) on September 19, 2023, at the UNY Auditorium. A total of 984 new students participated in this activity. Dr. Cerika Rismayanti, M.Or., Drs. Pujiwiyono, M.Pd., and Laila Nurul Himmah, M.Pd., from UNY Student Affairs attended as speakers.

Preventing Early-Age Marriage with Funarri Application

The UNY student team consisting of Farah Nabila Nur Afifah (Educational Technology), Anggi Anggreini (Educational Technology), Dinda Rahmawati (Guidance and Counseling) and Nandini Rohmi (Mathematics Education) have successfully developed Fun Augmented Reality Early-Age Merried based on Augmented Reality (Funarri).